Confección de prendas de vestir, excepto de peletería
Productos y servicios
Confección de lencería y Corsetería.
Confección de otras prendas de vestir y accesorios
Fabricación de tejidos textiles
Confección de otras prendas de vestir y accesorios
Fabricación de tejidos textiles
Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories
Weaving of textiles
The company is a Spain based enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of wearing apparel and accessories, as well as other related products. The company was incorporated in the year 1979. Its registered business office is based in Burlada/burlata, Spain. It operates its business primarily in the domestic market. It is registered as a limited liability company. The company's business activities include the manufacture and sale of suspenders, garters, handkerchiefs, and other apparel, such as academic caps and gowns, vestments, and theatrical costumes. It primarily manufactures clothing by cutting and joining materials such as paper and non-woven textiles, as well as other activities.